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This page will go over how to use webElect's various Activity Reports for tracking walked houses, quickly updated homes, phone calls, and time graphs to keep track of users.
Walked Houses
The Walked Houses Activity Report allows you to see a summary of the houses walked per walker for a certain range of dates. Once the report has run, you will be able to see a breakdown per walker of the how many houses they walked and stats for the group/tag data that they collected. If the walker is using a phone that has allowed GPS access, you an view a map of the walker route and the homes that they walked.
Quickly Updated
From the Walked Houses summary report, you can see how many houses were Quickly Updated. Quickly updated refers to how many updates were made within 60 seconds of eachother. The post times are calculated based on when the walked saves them to the device, so even if there is not a good internet connection, the numbers should be accurate.
QC Report
The QC Report is a downloadabe Excel file that includes a breakdown of every voter and address that each walker collected data on. It shows the data they collected on the voter as well as the location and a timestamp. This is data to be used only by the campaign or the organization that has purchased access to it. Sharing data with other campaigns of organizations is prohibited.
Phone Call Summary
The phone call summary allows you to view a breakdown of the calls and outcomes by each user for the specified date range.
Activity Time Series Graphs
With the Activity Time Series Graphs you can select a date range and various data points to see line graphs plotted over the time period. The report can be shown in a table or exported to Voter Targeting.
Last updated by Alli Bundy, created March 18, 2019