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Entering Walk Packet Results
There are several ways to enter results from your walk packets. Use the webElect App to enter data on your smartphone/device as you walk! Visit our Mobile App Instructions page for set up and trouble shooting information and check out our Canvassing with the Mobile App page for a "how-to" guide.
If using printed walk packets, then you have two different options: enter data directly into the computer using a digital version of your printed packet (see video and instructions #1 below), or use a barcode scanner (instructions #2 below.)
How-to Video
Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Use our new "Enter Packet Results" option to easily enter results directly on the computer, no barcodes or scanner required!
- Click "Walk/Canvassing" on the Main Menu.
- Find the appropriate Walk Target and click "Packets" under the Actions column.
- To the right of your desired Packet, next to the Packet ID, click the survey icon.
- This brings up a digital version of your printed packet right on your screen. Simply click on the star next to each group you want to tag a voter with. (For example, click the star next to Support under a voter's name to tag them as a supporter and add them into the group "Tracking: Support".)
- To add a sign request, click the voter's name, then hit "Outreach" on the page that opens, and click the "+" next to Signs. When finished with a household, click the check box next to an address to mark it "Complete" with a green check mark.
You can also reach the same page to enter packet results by clicking "Enter Walk Packet Results here" above your list of Walk Targets in Walk/Canvassing. Enter the walk packet ID in the search bar on the left side of the screen. You can find the Packet ID number at the top of your printed packet or by clicking the "Packets" button for your corresponding Walk Target.
Note: In order to see groups listed in the digital version of your packet for entering results, make sure you added the groups you want by going into the "Walk Target: Edit" page and using the drop down menu under "Group Tracking/Mobile App Groups". If you do not do this, you won't see any groups to "star" in the digital packet. (You could still add voters to a group by clicking on their name and then going to the group section of their file, but this is much less efficient.)2. Use a barcode scanner to assign voters to a group.
- Click "Walk/Canvassing" on the Main Menu.
- Find the appropriate Walk Target and click "Barcode" under the Actions column.
- Scan the barcodes on your walk packet next to the voters' names and select the group(s) to add the voter to
- OR click "Groups" under the Actions column (see the Note section above for how to add Groups to your Walk Target)
- Scan the barcodes of all voters who you wish to place in that group. (For example, scan anyone you recorded as a supporter into the group "Tracking: Support".)
Note: Make sure that you have configured your scanner correctly and that your walk packet was printed with barcodes per voter as opposed to ID numbers (this can be changed on the walk-packet edit screen before you get the PDF packet.)
Last updated by Alli Bundy, created June 8, 2016