Targeting Voters


This page is the central hub of webElect's guide to our voter targeting tool. Read the descriptions below of each targeting technique and then click the titles to view how-to videos and written step-by-step instructions.


Learn how to use the Targeting tools available in webElect to do a basic filter of your voter dataset based on a range of criteria. Once you pull a list of voters, you can then output it in various formats, including into walk-lists for knocking doors, pre-filled petitions for gaining ballot access, mailing labels, and much more.

Municipal and Special Elections

Learn how to use non-standard election dates as criteria to select voters. This is especially effective when filtering for municipal and special election voters.

Combine Multiple Queries

Learn how to combine queries for complex targeting efforts by running the Query/Targeting tool multiple times. For example, you can make a group composed of voters who have either voted in specific municipal elections or who were not registered in time for those elections but have since voted in a primary election.

Precinct/Target Analysis

Learn how to analyze precincts based on voter targeting criteria of your choosing. Once the dataset is filtered, you are able to rank precincts and focus on those where your targeted message will be most effective.

Targeting Vote-by-Mail Voters (for upcoming election)

Learn how to pull a list voters who have requested a vote-by-mail ballot for the upcoming election.

Targeting Gated Communities

Learn how to identify gated communities and then output a Call List (or other format) for those households/voters.

Last updated by Doug Homan, created December 10, 2015